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Nicholas Cerbone

Mat Wenzel

ENC 2135.142

February 26, 2017

Annotated Bibliography

1. Aryangat, Ajikumar. The MCAT Chemistry Book: A Comprehensive Review of General

Chemistry and Organic Chemistry for the Medical College Admission Test. Nova Press, 2006.EBSCOhost,

This thirty-two-chapter book includes the fundamentals of chemistry, MCAT example problems, and explanations for each problem. In the beginning of the book there is a table of contents where each chapter labeled with a main topic of chemistry. Each chapter begins with an introduction, which then leads into more specific topics. But between the table of contents and the first chapter there is a brief introduction on how to go about studying this book. This resource relates to my research topic because it is one of many MCAT prep books used to study for the exam. This source relates to other sources because it has MCAT sample questions and has a similar setup as the rest of the prep books. On the other hand, this prep book is different from others because it focuses on chemistry on the MCAT. This source provides new information, because it includes the solutions and step-by-step directions to solve problems. However, this prep book is also very similar to other prep books, which makes it difficult to explain the difference between them. I did find the step-by-step instructions very interesting because I can see it being very helpful.

2. Biehle, Garrett. The MCAT Physics Book. Nova Press, 2005. Prep Course Ser.


This sixteen-chapter book includes the basics of physics, example problems, and explanations for each problem. In the beginning of the book there is a table of contents, where all sixteen chapters are labeled with a main topic of physics. Each chapter begins with a brief introduction, and then leads into the more specific topics. The first chapter is an extensive introduction of the overall book it self. The introduction talks about: the philosophy of the book, how to go about reading the book, the units of measurement, and the beginning process of solving equations. This resource relates to my research topic because it is a MCAT prep book. This source is similar to other sources because it is a prep book and it includes an introduction as well as practice questions and answers. This book is different from others because it includes an extensive introduction with imperative information. It includes new information such as the different units of measurements. I found the introduction the most interesting because it included helpful information that wasn’t in other books.

3. Morvillo, Nancy and Matthew Schmidt. The MCAT Biology Book. Nova Press, 2006.


This six-chapter book includes the basics of biology, example problems, and explanations for each problem. In the beginning of the book there is a table of contents, where all six chapters are labeled with a main topic of biology. Each chapter begins with a brief introduction, and then leads into the more specific topics. The first chapter is an extensive introduction of the overall book it self. The introduction talks about: the philosophy of the book, biology in general, the scientific method, characteristics of life, structure and function, and how to use the book. This resource relates to my research topic because it is a MCAT prep book. This source is similar to other sources because it is a prep book and it includes essential information in the introduction. It includes new information such as the scientific method, structure and function, and characteristics of life.

4. Bills, James L., Jacob VanHouten, Michelle M. Grundy, Roger Chalkley, and Terence S.

Dermody. "Validity of the Medical College Admission Test for Predicting MD–PhD Student Outcomes." SpringerLink. Springer Netherlands, 08 May 2015. Web. 27 Feb. 2017. <>.

This article is on a study of how accurate the MCAT is in predicting in “training performance and career outcomes”. The experiment tested a large group of graduate students from the Vanderbilt Medical Scientist Training Program. The large group was split into three smaller groups. The groups were organized from the year they took the MCAT to the years of their training and careers. This source relates to my topic because it explains how the MCAT predicts future success in the medical field. This source is different from others because it is an experimental study on the MCAT. This source provides important information about correlation between grades on the MCAT and the outcome of an individual’s career. What I thought was most interesting about this article is the fact that there was a study done to see of the MCAT could actually predict future success in the medical field.

5. Mitchell, K., Lewis, R. S., Satterfield, J., & Hong, B. A. (2016). The new Medical College

Admission Test: Implications for teaching psychology. American Psychologist, 71(2), 125-135.

This article explains the new MCAT, the history the MCAT, differences between the new and old exam, the addition of psychology on the new exam, and the validity of the new exam. The article talks about the concepts of psychology that are now in the new MCAT. This source relates to my topic because it has multiple topics that have to do with the MCAT. I found it interesting how the MCAT began and its transition all the way to the new revised exam. This source provides new information that is different from others sources such as the history of the MCAT and psychology used in the new exam. This source is similar to others because it includes the purpose of the MCAT and the new 2015 MCAT.

6. Kreiter, Clarence D., and Yuka Kreiter. "Teaching and Learning in Medicine." Taylor and

Francis Online. N.p., 5 Dec. 2007. Web. 28 Feb. 2017. <>.

This article is a research on if the scores on the MCAT and undergraduate GPA can predict performance in the medical field. The article includes a purpose, method, results, discussion, and conclusion. The purpose is to understand if scores on the MCAT and undergraduate GPA can determine your success in post-graduate work. They used meta-analysis to acquire data. The results of the experiment proposed that MCAT and undergraduate GPA are correlated with postgraduate performance in medicine.

7. Toyos, Rolando Stephen. The Insider's Guide to Medical School Admissions. Delmar

Thomson Learning, 1997. EBSCOhost,

This chapter book talks about the application process into medical school and the MCAT to information about fourth year medical students. The beginning of the book begins with a table of contents that list the chapter number and the topic of each chapter. In between the table of contents and the first chapter is an introduction. The introduction is interesting because it includes commonly asked questions by students pursuing a career in the medical field. The first chapter talks about the application process. This chapter gives you tips on writing your personal statement, strategies on getting your letter of recommendation, and other critical parts of the application. It also gives an example of how an application should look. Then towards the end of the chapter the author explains what schools you should apply to and how many.

8. Richardson, Tobin, et al. "Bound and Determined: Perceptions of Pre-Med Seniors Regarding

Their Persistence in Preparing for Medical School." Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, vol. 8, no. 4, Summer2014, pp. 222-238. EBSCOhost,

This journal is a study on the factors that cause pre-med seniors to make their decision on whether or not to obtain a baccalaureate degree and prepare for medical school. I found this journal interesting because it attempts to explain how undergraduate pre-med students make their decisions. The study took place at Midwestern University with a population of 22,000 students. The journal includes ten interviews so that the reader can better understand the reasons why students have made their decisions. The study resulted in a few factors that led to the student’s decision. These factors included: interest in science, committed work ethic, willingness to sacrifice, desire to work in a helping profession, and interaction with a health professional.

9. "Working Abroad." The Essential Guide to Becoming a Doctor (2011): 254-64. Association of

American Medical Colleges. Web. 29 Apr. 2017.

This piece of research is a PDF file from the AAMC, which includes five steps to becoming a doctor. The first step is labeled “PRE-MED” and includes information about undergraduate classes, the MCAT, and admissions into medical school. The second step is labeled “MEDICAL SCHOOL – FOUR YEARS” which includes information on medical school coursework and how schools keep the curriculum updated. The third step is labeled “THE MATCH – DURING THE FINAL YEAR OF MEDICAL SCHOOL”. I found this step interesting because this is when you decide the specialty you want to pursue. It talks about a system call National Resident Match Program (NRMP), which is a program that matches you to a residency, based on your preferences. Pinpoint number four is labeled “RESIDENCY TRAINING (GENERALLY AT A TEACHING HOSPITAL) - THREE TO SEVEN YEARS, WITH ADDITIONAL TIME FOR FELLOWSHIP”. This step is where actual hands-on training occurs and you are practicing with actual patients. However, professionals are still supervising you throughout this process. This step must be completed in order to be licensed and board certified to practice independently. Some residents even decide to complete a fellowship, which is an additional one to two years of study in their specialty. The last step is labeled “CERTIFICATION, LICENSURE, AND CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (CME) – ONGOING”. This step includes obtaining a licensure in the state they wish to practice. It also includes recertification on a regular basis.

10. Profita, Mike. "Tips for High School Students Who Want to Be a Doctor." The Balance.

N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2017. <>.

This article contains advice for those thinking about pursuing a career in the medical field. Three main tips that I found important to me include: becoming an EMT, talking to medical practitioners, and improving skills in the science field. EMTs (emergency medical technicians) are clinicians trained to respond quickly to emergency situations. While training to become an EMT you learn a lot about medical techniques that will be used in an emergency situation that every doctor has to eventually know. And while working as an EMT you get a little taste of what its like to be in an emergency situation. Talking to medical practitioners is a good way to become more knowledgeable about medical careers. Asking questions about what they like and dislike and what challenges and hardships they had to encounter can motivate you and even help you with your path to becoming involved in the medical field. The last piece of advice is to strive in science courses because it will help you with the MCAT and it’s what is going to get looked at by medical schools.

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