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1. Did you use a guide or tutor to study for the MCAT?

I used the Stanley Kaplan prep course

2. What do you remember for the prep course? What did it include?

Included practice tests

3. Can you explain the setup of the MCAT? Was it multiple-choice (bubble sheet)? Any essays? Anything you can remember about the layout or structure.

I only recall multiple-choice questions

4. How did you find out your scores?

I received scores by mail

5. How many times did you take the exam?

I believe I took I once

6. Do you think the MCAT should have a strong influence on admission to medical school?

I think it should have moderate influence.

7. Why do you think it should have a moderate influence?

It levels the playing field with respect to grades from one college to another but it only reflects your performance over several hours as opposed to years of work

8. What medical schools did you send your MCAT scores to?

UM, UF, FSU, Medical College of Pennsylvania and Universidad Central del Caribe

9. Why did you choose the Medical School of Pennsylvania?

Good reputation and location

10. Is there anything interesting about MCAT that you would like to add?

Must have been pretty stressful and miserable because I've blocked out most of my memories about it

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